Schedule of Federal Awards Work Sheet


  • Review grant award files and prepare list for each grant contract that includes   
    • Name of grant, awarding agency, grant number
    • Catalog  of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number funding agency should  provide number if unable to locate in grant award letter/contract;
    • Dollar amount of award of current contract (including budget modifications); 
    • grant contract period;
    • include prior year contracts, if grant still open, as a separate line; 
    • dollar amount of award monies spent during the year; 
    • dollar amount of award monies spent in prior years; 
    • balance of award available for future periods; 
    • amount of cash received from funding agency in current year;
    • amount of cash received from funding agency in prior year; 
    • amount  of cash received from funding agency for indirect cost (if applicable  - information used to assist with Indirect Cost Proposal Preparation); 

  • Review the grant list and compare to the year-end trial balance      
    • agree amount spent during the year to the expenses recorded in the year-end trial balance; 
    • confirm amounts contributed from general fund to supplement a program are separately identified in the trial balance; 

  • Review the list and agree all information to quarterly, annual financial reports (425)      
    • investigate any differences and make adjustments/amend reports if necessary 

Identify State funded grants, pass-through grants, and privately funded programs separately.